It's obvious KT's popularity is growing not only in the YT International community, but at home too. The amount of cars and people has grown exponentially. The Sakura Parade seems to have the same growth of spectators. GANBARE ORANGE DEVILS!!!
These youngsters simply do NOT know how to frown. If they bring their own children up with the same happy characters, dedication and discipline as they possess the world will be a much happier place. I suspect that when there are clubs like theirs with the same time involvement the teenage vandalism and crime rates must be much lower. Of course their combined music and choreography skills can NOT be beaten.
This is a newcomer's announcement this year. You will be supported by fans from around the world. Good luck! At the end of this year, something big is about to happen.
@@yamadakoji5388 Something big needs to happen. The students are working as hard as they can but the adults 先生 are letting them down with internal politics and alliances. I already miss the input of Tanaka san. Possibly I am being too hard as today was not typical. All the instruments even drums went out of tune due to weather. Several members also had trouble with reeds.
@@justinfufun5483 さん I agree with your opinion. I was worried about the basic work in this parade. I hope this band is true to the basics. I want better guidance from the instructor.
1年前の映像を今頃見てますが、当時の116期から117期生、そして新入生の118期生、毎年のことながら、ブルーメの丘パレードでは、何でこんなにも楽しくて素直で音楽と橘が大好きな子供たちがあつまっているんでしようか? 単に吹奏楽だけなら他にもあるし、マーチングなどでの大変な試練も伴うこともわかっているのに、それ以上に橘吹奏楽部に魅せられて果敢にもその小さな体躯でチャレンジしようと決心した新入生たちの無邪気で笑顔溢れる姿には感動しかありません(涙) 。約1か月後のブラスエキスポでのパフォーマンスも素晴らしいものでした。なお、最近ですが、このコロナで大変な状況の中、この117期、118期生、新入生の119期生らの従来の橘の伝統を生かして見事に昇華させたパフォーマンス(演技、演奏)を見ることができました。今また、この素晴らしい子供たちに感動と勇気を貰っています。本当にありがとうございます。
It's obvious KT's popularity is growing not only in the YT International community, but at home too. The amount of cars and people has grown exponentially. The Sakura Parade seems to have the same growth of spectators. GANBARE ORANGE DEVILS!!!
My favorite world class group band SHS TACHIBANA, I love SHS TACHIBANA!!!
Arigato 彼らは常に健康で安全な状態に保たれることをすべてのミュージシャンへの祈り。
These youngsters simply do NOT know how to frown. If they bring their own children up with the same happy characters, dedication and discipline as they possess the world will be a much happier place. I suspect that when there are clubs like theirs with the same time involvement the teenage vandalism and crime rates must be much lower. Of course their combined music and choreography skills can NOT be beaten.
I wonder if there are enough cameras? Ha.Ha. In all seriousness, I appreciate those who record and post.
Still the Absolute Best Band Ever!!! Thank you for the video post!! 44 1st yr additions!!!
8:43 いやー感激!! 究極の橘ファン発見。髪型から衣装まで。ミニチュア橘。可愛すぎーー。
I'm so excited !! I found the ultimate Tachibana fan. From hairstyles to costumes. Miniature Tachibana. Too cute-.
Live long and prosper Tachibana!!!
A M A Z I N G ! Cheerful music !
Highest musical skills and precision !
Excellent performance !
Domo arigato ! Congratulations ! Chapeau !
混雑の中 お疲れ様です
新1年生 44名 橘としては程よい人数かもしれませんね😄
今年の新人さんのお披露目です。世界中のファンから応援されますね。頑張って!! 今年の年末には、何かビッグなことが起こりそうな予感。
This is a newcomer's announcement this year. You will be supported by fans from around the world. Good luck! At the end of this year, something big is about to happen.
@@yamadakoji5388 Something big needs to happen. The students are working as hard as they can but the adults 先生 are letting them down with internal politics and alliances. I already miss the input of Tanaka san. Possibly I am being too hard as today was not typical. All the instruments even drums went out of tune due to weather. Several members also had trouble with reeds.
@@justinfufun5483 さん
I agree with your opinion. I was worried about the basic work in this parade. I hope this band is true to the basics. I want better guidance from the instructor.
ありがとうございます! 映像もきれいで臨場感も伝わってきてとても良い動画でした。
いろいろご苦労されていると思いますが 直接行けない者にはありがたい動画です。
@36:48 a lovely little girl wearing a yellow tee appeared, she post-actively hi-five to band members,
One of the Trio of Small Orange Diablettes Tachibanettes.)
0:58 今年のブルーメンパレードは、駐車場が満杯。お子たちも続々と駆けつけていますね。広大な公園が狭く見えます。
Parking lot is full in Blumen parade of this year. The children also rush one after another. I can see a large park narrowly.
The fresh crops behind will carry the KT flag and trademark.
Thank you for your video^^
@@soundofwindband8324 様 大変申し訳ございません3000人の吹奏楽です。ご迷惑をおかけしました。
Orange Devils Fanさま 編集お疲れさまでした。改めて、フルバージョン動画(午前の部)アップありがとうございました。いきなり駐車場撮影で、満車?すごーい人出ですね(驚)。かなり暑そうな中、生徒さんともども、さぞ大変だったことでしょう。いきなりサーデューク前あたりからの前方かなりいいアングルで始まり、途中からの後ろバージョンといい、久しぶりに(ガラシャ以来?笑)すばらしい動画を見せていただきました。Orange 動画復活ですね。さくらはあの人ごみ、一人では仕方ないですしね(でもあれはあれで、私にはトーキー映画的で、短いですが、お世辞抜きで、かなり良かったですよ)。これから、午後の部見まーす(笑)。